Having persistent drainage problems or experiencing frequent backup or slow drainage, pooling in the yard or live in an older home that could have failing pipes. 

If you are experiencing one or more of these issues listed we would recommend getting a sewer line camera inspection. The video camera inspection will help visually confirm the cause of the problem. 

We offer services in video inspection, leak detection and repairing or replacing sewer line pipes. We can located the break, fast and efficiently by camera and leak detection system and also make the repair. 

We are a one stop company no need to hire an camera company, we can fix your problem from start to finish. 
Brooks Plumbing Repair

Give us a call


Service Areas: Mandeville, Madisonville, Covington, Lacombe, Slidell, Pearl River, Abita Springs. Licensed and Insuredwww.plumbercovingtonla.com

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